
Health benefits of baking soda and lemon juice

Jul 23, 2020 | Factcheck, Health | 0 comments

Do you feel like you need more energy? It’s not unusual for runners to take baking soda capsules at the beginning of a race, a practice called “soda doping.” A study conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine found that runners who took baking soda improved their performances. But it’s not just runners who have benefited. In testing, Baking soda has also been shown to help increase the speed of swimmers. A Loughborough University study found that eight out of nine swimmers who took baking soda before a race improved their times dramatically.

Essentially, sodium bicarbonate is an alkali substance that increases the pH of the blood,” researcher Jonathan Folland told the Daily Mail. “This seems to reduce and offset the acidity produced in the muscles during intense, anaerobic exercise that produces lactic acid most quickly, such as fast running or swimming.

Lemon in addition to being an effective internal cleanser and especially when combined with baking soda has also shown to contain anti-carcinogenic properties as it contains limonoids, which are phytochemicals found in a number of citrus fruits. Apparently, the limonoids help strip off the protective layer coating the cancer cells. Lemon also has been shown to have strong anti-microbial effects which has been tested in research exploring the idea that cancer is very much like a fungus within the body. [2] When treating cancer as a fungus, various methods can be used and some have found that lemon and bicarbonate can help fight the fungus causing various types of cancer.

Every day we do well to consume lemons because they are very effective in helping the body detoxify. They are also rich in vitamin C, which helps the body to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. Limonene, a substance found in lemons has also been shown to stimulate lymph flow, which is important in removing carcinogens from the body. When the lymph system is not working at its full capacity, the disease can spread more rapidly.

Dr. Johanna Budwig was in favor of using as many natural substances as possible. Introducing more lemon into your diet is one of the easiest and natural ways to introduce high alkaline substances into the system. When you use the lemon and baking soda together it helps to fight cancerous cells.

At night time, put 1 glass of water into an empty liter/quart jar and then add 1 tablespoon (British dessert spoon) of baking soda and the juice of one whole lemon. Be sure to clean the lemon peel well beforehand.

Now fill the jar with pure water and leave overnight. In the morning upon rising drink 3 glasses of this lemon/baking soda mixture. At first, it may be hard to drink 3 glasses (750ml) in succession, but take your time and soon it will not be hard to do. When we wake up in the mornings our bodies are very acidic.

This drink will cleanse the intestines and help restore the PH balance first thing in the day. Before going to bed, ideally, 2 hours or more after eating, drink another glass (250ml) of the same mixture and then make another liter of the same mixture for the next day.

You will notice within a few days an improvement in your general overall health, energy and with time all kinds of illnesses and health problems will diminish.

Baking soda and lemons are not expensive and when you consider the health benefits we have just discussed, this is a worthwhile remedy to add to your daily routine.

You can even monitor your PH levels by purchasing inexpensive litmus PH paper at your local pharmacy and measure your urine and saliva. Do not be surprised that the first thing in the morning is slightly acidic.

Normally your saliva PH measurement should ideally be between 7.0 and 7.4 before you drink anything. The reason your urine is slightly more acidic in the morning is that your body has been clearing acids from your body all night. Therefore, you will probably get a urine PH reading between 6.0 and 7.0, but this will improve dramatically after consuming the three glasses of baking soda and lemon juice. The ideal PH is 7.0 to 7.2


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